Thursday, November 12, 2009

SASi Launch 16 November

The South African Start-up Index (SASI) will launch on Monday 16 November 2009 with a press briefing scheduled at Wits Business School(WBS). SASI is a collaboration between academia, industry and government to create a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in South Africa. Current partners include WBS, South African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (SAVCA), Raizcorp and Business Report who will serve as the official media partner.

SASI will index start-up companies in South Africa for online and print publication based on a YouNoodle Score. A YouNoodle Score is the first real-time and scientific measurement of private company progress, based on publicly-available data and will update daily. One of SASI’s main objectives is to create awareness in the market place around innovative South African start-up companies with the potential to make it on the global stage. SASI will be the first emerging market to get this index following successful rollout in the US and in Europe through various partnerships including the San Francisco Chronicle and the UK Telegraph.

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